(Stories of Beowulf Slave Stealing Golden Cup: Wikimedia Commons)
I like how the story sets up Grendel’s first appearance. It’s
so ominous and eerie which makes me want to know what happens even more. I also
didn’t know that Grendel could cast spells which is a nice surprise because it makes
him an even bigger threat for Beowulf.
It must have been terrifying for Beowulf watching Grendel eat
one of his friends. The spell made it to where Beowulf was kind of frozen which
couldn’t have made matters any better.
I like how the epic fight between Beowulf and Grendel was in
silence and had no witnesses. It would be funny if Beowulf declared he had
Grendel’s arm, but the others didn’t believe him or something.
I knew that the king and queen praising Beowulf was going to
jinx everything. Nothing ever goes well when characters celebrate too early.
It’s good to see that Unferth had a change of heart and gives
Beowulf his sword.
Beowulf has to be one of the bravest people alive to go into
that lake alone. I like much respect everyone has for him because normally they
would try to stop a person from doing this.
I love how the Beowulf had to basically get lucky in order
to beat Grendel’s mother. I was expecting Beowulf to just somehow find strength
and defeat her, but the tiniest moment of relaxation from his mother gave
Beowulf an opening.
I don’t like how the Danes left because they lost hope of
seeing Beowulf again. I would’ve been a little mad about that if I were Beowulf.
It is fitting that Beowulf became king. I don’t think anyone
else deserves it more than him.
I like how even though Beowulf almost died he still wants to
have another adventure like that.
I honesty expected Beowulf to be like okay guys I can do
this on my own don’t worry. I thought it would be similar to when he fought
Grendel’s mother.
Never mind, he does go alone. It’s interesting how Beowulf
knows that this will be his last adventure. It’s sad at the same time.
I just realized that all of their swords have names. I think
I could make this a humorous aspect in my retelling.
It’s actually really sad how Beowulf dies. His men deserted
him, but he forgave them before he died. Beowulf might be my favorite character
from all the readings so far.
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