Thursday, October 19, 2017

Week 9 Story: The Unwanted Avenger

Image result for the avengers
(The Avengers movie art: marvelousRoland, Flickr)

Avenger’s Mansion, 890 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City

Captain America in front of the Avengers

“Alright everyone, this emergency meeting has been called to address the recent destruction caused by the big, hairy guy who can transform into anything. We don’t know much about him or if he’s good or evil, but we need to figure out what to do about him. Does anyone have any suggestions?”
Hulk raises his hand

“Yes Hulk?”


“Hulk, we’ve been over this, you can’t keep suggesting that at every meeting. It’s getting old. Any other suggestions?”

Doctor Strange stands up

“I’ll bargain with him. I would rather him be on our side than fighting against us.”

Doctor Strange travels to Gold’s Gym

“Surely he’ll be here. He wears tank tops all the time and it looks like he only works out his glamour muscles. Oh wait, I think that’s him flexing in the mirror.”

Doctor strange approaches Su Wu Kung

“I have come here to tell you that Captain America and the rest of the Avengers have invited to come to our headquarters for the possibility of becoming one of us.”

Sun Wu Kung answers

“Really? I’ve always wanted to be an Avenger! My name is Sun Wu Kung. First, let me finish taking a picture for Instagram before we go.”

Sun Wu Kung arrives at headquarters where all the Avengers are waiting for him

“Wow this place is awesome! When’s our first mission? Also, I’m going to need to have code names for all of you if I’m going to lead you guys into battle.”

Iron Man speaks up

“Actually, Captain America called dibs on leading the next mission. But I think we need someone to be in charge of getting snacks for everyone.”

Sun Wu Kung seems unfazed

“Sure! That sounds like a pretty important job. I’ll make sure no one goes on the mission with an empty stomach.”

The next day

Thor is speaking to Black Widow

“I’m glad that guy thinks he’s actually an Avenger by getting us snacks. It’s a good thing he doesn’t know that we’re just pretending to be his friends. He’s too arrogant. Like even more arrogant than Iron Man.”

Sun Wu Kung overhears this conversation

“I see how it. I don’t need those guys. I can save the world all by myself. They’ll be really sorry whenever I’m taking all the glory away from them.”
Sun Wu Kung leaves headquarters and goes back to Gold’s Gym where he is surrounded by his friends

“Bro it’s total BS. Those guys don’t know what they’re doing. I am so much stronger than all of them combined. Just looks at my traps! From now on, all of you call me the Ultimate Avenger. I like the sound of that.”

Back at Avenger’s HQ. Captain America addressed the group

“Okay, we may have screwed up. That guy is too unpredictable for us to not know where he is at all times. Hulk, today’s your lucky day, let’s go get him.”

The Avengers get riled up. Doctor Strange stands up again

“Hold on guys. Everyone just calm down. I heard that all he wants to be called is the Ultimate Avenger, so let’s just give him that title and everything will be settled. I’ll go bargain with him again since it’s kind of my thing.”

Doctor Strange goes to the nearest tanning salon

“This guy is seriously the worst. Of course I would find him here. Just act cool and pretend that you like him.”

Doctor Strange approaches Sun Wu Kung again

“Hey man, sorry about what happened the other day. The other Avengers and I have talked about it and we want you back. We even thought of a new name for you: The Ultimate Avenger.”

Sun Wu Kung pretends to not be excited

“Okay, I guess I’ll come back to you guys since you seem pretty desperate.”

Avenger’s HQ. The Avengers are throwing a birthday party for Hawkeye. They all welcome Sun Wu Kung back. He addresses the group

“I’m back! Doctor Strange over here told me how much you all missed me and I felt bad. You’re going to be seeing me a lot from here on out.”

The Avengers fake smile and pretend that they don’t hate Sun Wu Kung. Everyone continues celebrating. Sun Wu Kung wanders through HQ by himself

“Man, I wonder where the bathroom is. This room looks about right. Wait, no, this is the kitchen.”

Sun Wu Kung notices Hawkeye’s birthday cake

“They won’t notice if I just take a little bit of frosting.”

Sun Wu Kung tastes the cake and decides to eat all of it

“Oh shoot. I need to get out of here before Hawkeye gets pissed at me.”

Sun Wu Kung sneaks out the back door. The Avengers see the remains of the eaten cake and realize it was Sun Wu Kung. Captain America calls another emergency meeting

“That’s the last straw. We need to get rid of this guy. He made Hawkeye cry! Who wants to do it?”

Ant-Man immediately jumps up

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”

Ant-Man sneaks into Sun Wu Kung’s house and starts walking around on him. Sun Wu Kung becomes annoyed because he can’t get him to stop. This goes on for days. Sun Wu Kung goes to Avengers HQ

“Please get this guy off of me! I’ll do anything!”

Iron Man approaches him

“We will help you on two conditions: First, stop being a jerk. Second, go by the name of the Unwanted Avenger.”

Sun Wu Kung is still noticeably irritated by Ant-Man

“Okay deal!”

And that is the origin story of how Sun Wu Kung became apart of the Avengers and played minor roles in the fifteen movies Marvel decided the make under The Avengers name

Author's Note: This story is based off “The Monkey King” unit. In this unit, we meet a stone monkey who was born out of stone and was the ruler of the apes. His only goal was to become immortal. He eventually trains under someone to learn how to transform his body and become immortal. The monkey king is extremely arrogant and makes a lot of enemies by his actions. The Lord of the Heavens and other spirits get complaints of the trouble he is causing so they decide to make him one of them to appease him. The monkey king gets made at all of them whenever he finds out that they gave him a job with no respect or dignity. He leaves and the Lord of the Heavens decides to send warriors to defeat him. However, the Evening Star vouches for him and says that they can’t beat and instead should appease him by giving him the title of Great Saint. They do this, but then the monkey king drinks all the wine and peaches that was supposed to be for a banquet for important spirits. The Lord of the Heavens and the other spirits have had enough and they eventually have Buddha try to stop him. Buddha successfully stops him and the monkey king starts behaving. The main difference in my story is that I replaced the spirits with the Avengers. Also, instead of Buddha easily beating the monkey king, I have Ant-Man annoy him until he gives up. 

Bibliography: "The Ape Sun Wu Kung" in The Chinese Fairy Book, ed. by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921).


  1. This story is so funny and imaginative — I haven't read the source material, but I thought it was so witty to portray Sun Wu Kung as an obnoxious gym bro. I know a little bit about the Avengers, so seeing these two stories blended together was a fun read — I especially liked the bit of dialogue where Captain America has to tell Hulk to stop suggesting "SMASH" at every meeting.

  2. I really enjoyed this story! I liked your use of so many different characters. It was really pretty easy to keep up with all the dialogue as well because of the way you laid it out, inserting paragraphs and such. I thought that it was a fun and light story that anyone could enjoy! Great job, I look forward to reading more stories in the last weeks on this semester.

  3. Hi David! I haven't seen anyone write a story with movie characters yet, and I really enjoyed the way you did it! You did a good job of bringing in the humor and witty dialogue from the Avengers movies, and I like that you used a lot of characters and gave them so much personality. I also like that you used stage directions; it's a unique and direct way of telling the story.

  4. David, I love the Avengers (and the Marvel universe in general) and I love that you keep everyone so in-character in your story. The dialogues are super funny, especially that iconic line from Hulk. Even though there are a lot of characters appearing, everyone personality really show through the way they speak. I really enjoy this story! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Hi David, I was attracted to this story because of the title. I love the Avengers and you did a great job with the the dialogue throughout the story. I like the direction you took because it was more interesting than just keeping a similar storyline to the original story. Great job!

  6. Hey David! Great idea pairing the avengers with the original story! The dialogue was really enjoyable to read and made the story seem like something that would really happen in an avengers movie. Great Job!

  7. David, this is such a unique way to tell this story! I looked at this collection when I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for this assignment and although I didn't pick it ultimately, I don't think that I would have thought of such a way to retell it. You also did a great job with the dialogue and it was so interesting because you picked such a unique way to present the story while still making it resemble the original just enough. Great job!


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