Sunday, September 10, 2017

Topic Research: Dante's Inferno

Image result for dante's inferno
(Divine Comedy Illustrated by Sandro Botticelli: Wikipedia)

Story Option #1: A Modern Retelling: Instead of having Dante meet with the characters in the original story I could have him meet people from recent history who would most likely be in Hell today. I could have him meet Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, or even Jeffrey Dahmer. This would help give the story a modern feel and the readers most likely wouldn't have to look up the people he meets since they are so notorious in modern day history. Overall, I would be keeping the structure of the original story, but changing most of the characters. 

Story Option #2: A Different Kind of Hell: Instead of Dante traveling through Hell, he could be traveling through his own personal Hell. For example, it could be the education system and instead of circles of Hell it will be grades in school. This retelling would be more of a comedy and much lighter than the original. The people he meets throughout the story could be former teachers or classmates. 

Story Option #3: Retelling in the Form of Video Game or Action Movie: Instead of Dante being led through Hell, he could be trying to escape and win his soul back. Virgil could still be the one guiding him, but Dante would have to fight his way through the circles of Hell as each circle gets progressively more difficult to get through. Lucifer would be the final boss in this story. It would be a classic video game in the sense that Dante can die several times, but has a limited amount of tries until he has to permanently stay in Hell. Update: There was a video game like this made in 2010, but the plot is different. Dante's Inferno Video Game


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